
Accurate copyright reports are quickly and easily generated with the click of a mouse, making cumbersome and inefficient processes a thing of the past

Copyright compliance and reporting at academic institutions has typically been hampered by disconnected processes throughout the entire workflow; a lack of standardisation in the approval and review process can lead to a quagmire of backlogs when it comes to copyright management and report creation.

Fortunately, with the right tools in place, copyright managers can drastically cut down on the time and effort required for ensuring that all areas of an institution remain in line with copyright law and legal requirements.

This is where eReserve Plus comes in, eliminating inefficiencies and enabling a more streamlined process through automation.

What is eReserve Plus?

eReserve Plus is a reading list management and copyright reporting repository software that puts academics, librarians, and copyright management staff on the same page for the selection, review and reporting of educational materials presented to students.

Academics can easily create course reading lists, librarians can efficiently manage these requests and check them against copyright obligations, and compliance staff can seamlessly review all activity and generate reports to ensure transparency and monitor resource and material usage. This takes the headache out of the copyright approval process while mitigating noncompliance risks for an institution.

eReserve Plus is an essential aid in managing copyright obligations across all schools, colleges and faculties – establishing a streamlined workflow, helping to mitigate the risk of noncompliance and easing the workload for staff in all areas of the process.

Reading list creation, material requests processing and intellectual property law compliance are made simple and streamlined through eReserve Plus’ automation and highly usable system capabilities.

Navigating intellectual property rights and copyright requirements is no easy feat, especially with local variations in legal obligations from one country to the next. With experience in a number of regions, eReserve helps ensure compliance, no matter where you are in the world.


Executives love eReserve Plus’s efficiency and rapid ROI

For executives, the bottom is the bottom line. By automating so much of the busy work involved with resource list creation and copyright management, eReserve Plus starts to deliver savings on day one.
eReserve also surpasses others in the category with its advanced copyright compliance functionality, which can save universities millions.

Impressive ROI – fast
For every dollar spent on licensing fees, another is spent on compliance administration. eReserve Plus has a focus on rapid ROI, creating new, measurable savings from the very moment it’s implemented. Conservative estimates based on real user data show likely return on investment within three months.

Fair licensing fees
Granular usage data ensures that universities pay licensing fees only for what is actually used, resulting in vast savings over the ‘best guess’ model, which puts tertiary institutions at a financial disadvantage.

Protection against litigation
eReserve’s fastidious data retention allows managers to view which resource have been accessed, how often, and by whom, for super-accurate, category-leading real-time data. eReserve Plus is the only digital delivery platform that offers universities iron-clad protection against copyright litigation.

Radically improved workflow
Time spent on copyright reporting and the bottle-necking and double handling associated with unwieldy resource list creation is all but eliminated, along with time savings for faculty and students. eReserve Plus gets everybody working together, better.

Seamless integration
eReserve works with all the leading learning management systems and integrates with existing platforms for integrated data collection, retrieval and management.

Everybody wins
Contact us for a free trial or demonstration and learn how eReserve Plus can revolutionise your resource list management and copyright compliance practices across the board for superior digital resource
delivery and rapid ROI.

How does eReserve Plus help copyright managers?

By streamlining all tasks under the purview of copyright compliance and managing them in a true end-to-end system that connects Learning Management Systems and Library Catalogue and Discovery Systems, eReserve Plus ensures that institutions are meeting their copyright obligations in the most effective manner.

  • Enabling a smarter workflow

    Copyright staff can quickly review new requests flagged for potential copyright conflicts. eReserve Plus also helps them quickly assess, edit and update requests, as well as ask for more information from submitters to adequately schedule the availability of requested items to ensure they meet their obligations under copyright law.
  • Ensuring pain-free reporting

    Through an intuitive reporting function, eReserve Plus makes it easy to generate detailed and accurate reports that comply with the reporting requirements from various collecting agencies, and which also show academic and library staff members’ real utilisation of materials. With all necessary information accessible through the system, this happens at the push of a button.

    eReserve Plus frees up valuable staff time by reducing the need for manual creation, compilation and manipulation of copyright reports – they can be created in a matter of minutes.
  • Providing greater efficiency

    Through automation and its streamlined workflow, the eReserve Plus system reduces the costs, time and effort involved in managing copyright obligations and reporting.
  • Securing copyright compliance

    By incorporating easy reading list creation and copyright-checking measures early on in the request process, eReserve Plus ensures that these obligations are met at all points in the process. This reduces the need for back and forth between different stakeholders throughout reading list creation and approval and ensures that all areas of the institution are in compliance with relevant copyright regulations.

Why choose eReserve?

At eReserve, we strive to provide each client with the attention they deserve – a capability that we hold in the highest esteem. With this focus, and the speed and agility of eReserve Plus, we leverage the power of automation to ease the burden of reading list creation, management and reporting on academic, library and copyright staff – at a price that doesn’t break the budget and delivers fast return on investment.

eReserve Plus customers have reported over 70 per cent reductions in the time it takes to process reading lists and copyright reports, leading to weeks of saved time each year for all staff across an institution. Through this reduction in time and effort required for reading list and copyright management, eReserve Plus pays for itself in well under a single year.

Maximising its effectiveness in digital asset management, eReserve Plus fits in easily with the license arrangements and systems already in place at a number of institutions. A highly agile platform, it is able to integrate with every learning management and library system, including:

Library Systems from

  • OCLC
  • SirsiDynix
  • Innovative
  • ExLibris

Learning Management Systems from

  • Blackboard
  • Moodle
  • Canvas
  • Brightspace
  • Sakai

Learn more about eReserve Plus

Streamlining reading list and copyright management and compliance through automation is the hallmark of eReserve Plus, making these tasks easier across the board at educational institutions. By combining agility with a customer-driven focus, we’re able to ensure that staff can navigate these responsibilities with ease – and everybody wins.

Don’t let manual copyright management request workflows continue to slow you down. Make copyright easy and contact eReserve today to learn more.